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Absolutely love this, the story is incredible, the characters are unique and interesting, and the rendering is done very well! This is for sure in my top three, and i can't wait to see more!

I don't commonly write comments but this deserves it...

First of all I wanna start of with praising the minor horror elements shown. First time in a LONG while that I actually jumped from a scare. And not just once, it happened several times. The early dreams, or dare I say nightmares, regarding the girls, were phenomenal. 

I've always been interested in the subject of dreams due to the simple fact that I almost always have extremely vivid lucid dreams. I also almost always remember them, and they can span anything from an afternoon, to decades of a life. 

I feel that dreams, both in their irregularity but also in their bizarreness, is portrayed really well here. 

I do however agree with some other comments I saw with how the story feels a bit too fast of a pace. I'd really have loved to have more time to get to know the girls before telling them about a secret that first of all would take weeks if not months for a normal person to process, but secondly and most importantly is literally a threat to my life if it gets out. 

With that said I do like the story otherwise, especially Celeste I think her name was, a fantastic character in my honest opinion. 

Now I am only about 9 hours of gameplay in, not sure what is estimated for total playtime for currently so not sure how far in to the story I am, but for reference I just came back from Japan. 

I will continue this at a later time as my eyes are a bit too tired to properly read the dialogue anymore after these 9 hours straight.


I like a lot about this game, but the pacing feels like everything is going way too fast. Life-changing secrets are shared with people met that second, and completely outlandish claims are immediately believed. I know it's explained why the LIs immediately trust MC, but it still feels like it's all going way too fast.


i have these lucid dreams


i cant move a thing

Thinking of you in my bed

You were my everything



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